
Archive for the ‘Random’ Category

Unexcused Absence

I mentioned in my previous post that I had been “Slacking” in spending time with God and that it was part of his will. After posting that, I was convicted of what I just had admitted to myself and to you my beloved reader. I was being completely open and honest, but I was gently reminded by my Lord that it is never God’s will for us to avoid or just not spend time with him. He always desires us to give him devotion and spend time with him, but it is up to us whether or not that will happen. I for one know that when I don’t spend enough time with my Savior, my whole life gets off track. I have prayed for so long and I include conversing with God in my every day schedule so when I don’t do it, I feel as if I’m forgetting something (which I am.) Friend, God truly loves it when you come to him and include him in your daily plans. He is delighted when you talk with him and when you praise him just because. You never have to have a reason or a need to come to God, he just wants to hear from you. How awful he must feel when we only come to him when we need something and never just to talk or share our feelings? Our relationship with God is no different than any other relationship. In order for it to be a healthy one, we need communication. Without the communication, the relationship can not grow and develop properly. I can assure you, the relationship you have with God is and will be the most important one you’ll ever have, so the communication needs to be great. It needs to be open and honest. Don’t just go to him when you’re in need or desperate, go to him because you love him and because you want to be with him. He does not excuse you from talking with him because you’re feeling tired or because you’re busy and he doesn’t do it for me either. I need to be devoted to him no matter how I’m feeling and this has been a challenge for me to learn. I hope that this year you and I can learn to spend the time with God that we should. I hope that together we can take our devotion to our awesome creator to a whole new level.

1. Have you ever made excuses for why you couldn’t spend time with God?
2. What do you think God thought of your excuse?
3. How do you think God feels when we choose to not spend time with him?
4. Practice spending more time in the presence of God this year.

Pray with me
Dear Jesus, please forgive me for not spending as much time with you as I should. I pray that you would place a desire in me to spend more time with you and to come to you as much as possible. God please convict me each time I choose not to spend time with you for any reason. I’m thankful for your forgiveness and mercy in my life.

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Remembering the Day

Today eight years ago, my world was changed forever, and so was yours. I can’t believe that it has been so long. America experienced one of the most traumatic events that I think it has ever experienced. Lives were lost, families were split apart, and fear tore through our country leaving people paralyzed. Today as we remember those who were lost in this tragic event, let’s keep their families lifted in prayer. They have faced much heartache over these past few years, and I’m sure it has been no walk in the park for them. But as we pray for the families who lost members of their own family or close friends, let’s also remember those who are fighting for their country overseas. Please keep them and their families who miss them in your thoughts as this hasn’t been easy on them either. I pray that families who lost loved ones would be encouraged even in their troubles. America, we are a strong nation, and as long as God has his say in what happens here, we shall not fear! I’m praying for each of the families who have lost someone because of what took place in 2001, and I am praying for every person who is away from their families because they are putting their own lives on the line to fight for their home country. God bless each of you!
Remember, no matter what happens, God still has a plan for America and it’s not over until he says it is!

Pray with me
Lord, please hold every person who lost someone in the tragic events of September 11th in your arms today. Please surround them in your love and mercy and help them to know that you are still with them. I pray that you would bring healing to them and to our nation. Jesus please also watch over the men and women who are serving our country. Protect them from physical and spiritual harm. Keep them safe, and use this time for your glory. I pray that they would be encouraged through you, and that you would bring them all home safely to their families who love and miss them. Thank you God that you do have a wonderful plan for our country, and thank you that it won’t be over until you say it will. You have all control, and I’m grateful for that.
In your name,

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Closing Thoughts For 2008

So here we are. We’re finally at the last day of 2008, less than 24 hours away from the beginning of a brand new year.
As many people are preparing to go out tonight and celebrate, please remember that as Christians we are still called to honor God in all that we do, even while mingling in the party scene. Know that it is absolutely ok to attend parties and have fun, but please remember to do it in such a way that is gratifying to our Lord. Fun is encouraged by him, and he wants us all to have a good time as long as he is kept close to our hearts. He will be with each of us tonight, but we need to keep his Word in our hearts and heads as we enjoy our evening.
There are many things to be excited about tonight, from starting a new year to ending an old one. So much has happened in our world this past year and only God truly knows what’s in store for 2009. I do know that I’m looking forward to starting a new year, with whatever God’s planning to bring me. I will make conscious decisions this year to honor him in not only the parts of my life that are easy to honor him in, but in every part of my life. Will you join me in making God a top priority in your life? Will you take a leap into the Word this year and grow your faith with me?

Take a moment and reflect
1. As you celebrate tonight, remember who you’re representing.
. 2. Think back on all that has happened in your life during 2008. What can you change to honor God more in 2009?
3. Are you ready to truly commit your life to Christ this year if you haven’t done so already?

Pray with me
Lord, I pray that you’d keep each person safe tonight. Please help each of us to remember that we are Jesus in the flesh, and that we need to be mindful of our actions even while we have fun. I pray that this new year we will strive to honor you in more areas of our lives than we did last year, and that we’d become better Christians for your kingdom. Please help us all to have a safe and prosperous year in 2009.

Have a very safe and happy new year!

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Merry Belated Christmas!

I hope that everyone had a blessed and merry Christmas. It’s my prayer that you remembered to thank God for his Son, and that you rejoiced in the real meaning of Christmas Day. Now that the holiday is over, and the new year is about to begin, let’s make it a priority to put God where he belongs on our lists. At the top.
It’s my plan to continue updating with new entries here soon. With the holiday hustle and bustle over, and so much going on otherwise for me, I am looking forward to writing you new and exciting devotionals!

Take a moment and reflect
1. Did you focus on the real meaning of Christmas this year?
2. What meant more to you, gifts or Jesus?

Pray with me.
Lord, thank you for keeping me and my family safe for the holiday. I pray that I was a Godly example for them of what you would like me to be. Jesus I pray that I’d start off the new year doing your will, and trying my best to live completely for you.

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Happy Thanks Giving!

With all the food, family, hustle and bustle, and of course the (football game) going on today, it’s important for us to remember the true meaning of Thanks Giving. Be sure to takesome time out of your day to pray over the food God has blessed you with, and pray for the families who aren’t as fortunate. Please keep the people who are traveling, as well as the American troops who are away from their families to be over seas, in your thoughts and prayers. There is so much more to the meaning of this holiday than food and socialization. If you don’t know the history of Thanks Giving, then take a moment to read the story of Squanto here
This really is a fascinating story!

Pray with me
Lord, thank you for the time you provide us with to spend time with our friends and families. Please bless the food that you have provided for us, and please keep everyone safe today. I pray for the people who are away from their families this year that you would be with them and protect them ware ever they are. Help us all to remember the true meaning of Thanks Giving, and most of all let us remember to give thanks to you for all you do in our lives.

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Before you read this post, please note that this isn’t a devotional, it’s purely based on my personal opinions. But it is something that may cause mixed emotions by many. So, if you find yourself beginning to disagree with me, then please save yourself the frustration, and don’t read today. I’m not posting this to offend or judge anyone, but I am going to make my point.

I rarely follow the news and drama of the media, but there are a couple things that are happening right here in the US that I feel very strongly about so I’m going to talk about them. Forgive me if I get a little intense with this, but I’m very passionate about the children that God has given to us, and I’m devastated that they have to go through half of what they do these days.

Last night when I was watching the news, what I saw absolutely shocked me. Eight year old murders his father and father’s friend? A 12 year old shoots and kills a 15 year old? And let’s not forget Casey Anthony. The 22 year old mother who’s accused of killing her 3 year old daughter Caylee. Friends, what on Earth is this world thinking?

If God were here as a person, what do we think he’d have to say about all this. I personally, think he would be very, very, upset with what his world is becoming. I mean, 90% of what we see on the news now is filled with violence and murder. Its kids murdering other kids, and even worse their own parents. This is ridiculous, and it definitely should not be acceptable!
Whatever happened to “Kids honor your parents?” and “Thou shall not kill?” Did we forget God’s commandments, or are we just so desensitized to this that we don’t even notice that there’s a problem?

I can’t really say that I’m surprised by what is happening to our nation though, and I’m sure God’s not either. The government is trying to take God out of everything, so they’re opening the door practically inviting the Devil to walk right in and take control of our kids.

I’m truly saddened for the fathers and mothers who are trying to raise their family God’s way, and I’m even more saddened for the kids themselves. With the way our schools are run, and with the way kids are treating each other, the ones who are trying to do right barely have a chance.

If there has been anytime that this nation has needed to call on the name of God, it’s right now. It’s not fair for these kids to have to grow up in this kind of environment, And it is not normal, for a child to have to be afraid to go to school because they don’t know if someone has made the decision to carry a gun and take out their anger on innocent lives because of an “F” that they probably deserved.

We as Christians may not be able to do much, but we can pray that God protects each of these innocent lives. They all deserve a chance, and we as adults owe it to them to provide them with a safe place to live and play. Parents, did you know that according to the Word of God, it’s your responsibility to discipline and train your kids? God also says that you are supposed to be a Godly example to your child, so that they will grow up to know and live by his ways. Are you being a responsible parent? Are you making sure that your child grows up to know the love of their Savior instead of the way of Satan?
If people would turn to the Bible instead of Oprah and Dr. Phil, then we would start to see fewer children living their lives out of control, and more living for Christ.

Pray with me
Dear God, please protect the children of our nation from all of the evil that seems to be taking over. Lord we know that you’re in control, and you have the power to stop all this tragedy that is happening, but please change the way these parents raise their children. Put the desire in them to raise them your way, and help us as Christians to plant the seeds of wisdom and life that they so desperately need to hear. Be with each mother who is considering an abortion because she either sees no other way, or she just doesn’t value the blessing that you have placed inside her body. Show her that there is a better way, and hope for her and her child if she’d only turn to you. Give the parents who are trying to do their best for their families the strength and ability to successfully raise their children to love and know you.

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To the men and women of the United States Military, I want to dedicate this post to you to personally thank each of you for sacrificing your lives each and every day for the freedom of our country. Your bravery and devotion do not go unnoticed, and it is much appreciated. I pray for your well-being, protection, and safe return everyday. America is free because of you and all that you do.

Pray with me
Dear Lord,
Please protect each of the men and women who are actively fighting for our country. Give them wisdom and strength to carry on while they’re away from home, and surround them with your peace from the chaos of the war. God please be with each of their families in their absenses.

God Bless America, And It’s Troops!

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An Author Update

Greetings Greetings Greetings, from wherever you may be!
Tonight I just want to take some time and give you an update on what’s been going on in my world. Not because I don’t feel like writing and posting a devotional, but simply because I can’t write a devotional and this is all I could come up with. (Sad right?) I know. But it’s alright.
Because I’m still the coolest author I know. (Probably because I’m the only one I know.)

Ok, getting serious now.
Being a writer, I know all to well what it’s like having writer’s block. Quite frankly, I’ve been ill with the nasty little disease for the past 3 days. I just haven’t been able to come up with any topics worth writing out as a devotional for you lovely people. I’ve really been spending time trying to figure out what the world needs to hear about at this point and time, but I’m coming up with nothing.

So, here’s the remedy.
I’m taking suggestions. From you. Yes, it’s your lucky day. If there is any suggestions on what you think I should address but haven’t, please don’t hesitate to inform me. I’m always open to new ideas, and I want to write about what you want to read about. So, if you have any personal requests and/or suggestions, and you would like to see them addressed, then let them flow. I’m open to just about anything (But please keep them faith based.)
I’ll do what I can to see that they get a post, given the amount of knowledge I’ve got on the topic. Afterall, this blog is written for y’all, God just put me in charge of writing it.

On the subject of the book, I’ve been working on it, but definitely not as much as I’d like to be. I’m still working with the hopes of having it completed here soon.
Please continue to pray for the Lord to send me the inspiration, and wisdom to complete this project. Without his help, none of what I do would be possible.
To God be the glory!

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Pray Without Ceasing

Today’s entry isn’t a “devotional”, but it’s something I definitely want to share with you.
I absolutely LOVE it when people come to Christ, or even consider it, and that’s kind of what this entry is about.
Last night something happened to me that completely caught me off guard. Well, it didn’t happen to me directly, but it was told to me by a friend of mine.

Allow me to take you back to the beginning.
I have a friend who isn’t very religious. He believes in God, goes to church every now and again, but absolutely doesn’t live a fruitful life. (Please understand in no way am I judging him.)
Ok, so I’ve known him for a little while now, like 2 years or so. He knows that I’m a Christian, that I attend church regularly, and he knows that because of my beliefs there are certain things I’m not open to participate in.
So, without putting all his business out for the entire world to see, I’ll just say that he’s a great person to know, and he’s someone that I’ve been praying to God about for a LONG time. I know the life he lives isn’t Godly, and I know that it’s not the kind of life he really wants to be living. I know the kind of love he searches for, he can only find in Christ. But as someone who doesn’t walk in the light of God, he seeks to find it in the female persuasion.

Now for the good stuff.
I’ve been praying for him forever that he’d come around and return to God. I ask God to reveal himself to my friend, and I asked that God help him repent of his sins.
Then, just last night he called me. Nothing new. He calls me just about every day to talk, but last night was different.
He told me that something “weird” had happened to him on his way to work. He said that he had taken a guy to work who needed a ride, and that this kid had asked my friend if he had accepted Jesus into his life. My friend said that he did, and then he told me that this guy prayed for him right there in his car. He said that he prayed for a safe journey for my friend, and that my friend would come to know Christ like he (the guy) did.
I immediately had tears fill my eyes. As my heart leaped in my chest it seemed to be shouting “thank you Jesus!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. After all this time, I was hearing exactly what I prayed for two long years to hear. I could just feel God’s presence there with me as I listened to him tell me about his experience. When I asked my friend what he thought about this conversation with this guy, he really didn’t know what to say to me. He just said “It was crazy, in a good way.”
I’ve never had such a clear response from God as I did last night, and I’m so grateful. I hope that seed continues to grow in my friend, and that God will continue to plant people in his path to help him grow. I’m awhere that his life isn’t going to be changed just like that, but through continuous prayers, I do believe that he’ll make that transformation in time. I pray for each of my friends who don’t yet know Christ that someday they’ll be awakened. But I especially pray for this friend of mine because he means a great deal to me. I’ve seen him living a better life, so I know he can do it. He has just slipped in to natural human behaviors because his flesh has temporarily taken control of his spirit. Has this happened to you or someone you know?

Do you have any particular thing or person that you’ve been praying for extensively? Friend, keep the faith. It may seem like God is taking forever to answer your prayer, but know that he will. He’s got the perfect plan and time to answer.
I’m still waiting on prayers to be answered that I’ve been praying about for many many years. But in my heart, I know that God is waiting in the wings, and he’s planning out my successes even now, he’s just holding out on revealing them to me.
God knows the desires and needs of your heart. Keep praying, and keep asking. He will hear you and answer not a moment to soon.
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7. NLT.

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September 11. A Day For Remembering

This is a poem I wrote in honor of those lost on September 11. Read and remember.

On September 11, 2001,
Satan made an appearance, petrifying all of America.
Early in the morning, lives were changed,
When evil took over, in the form of crashing planes.
Buildings were destroyed, and lives were lost,
At the fault of terrorists, who were careless of the cost.
As the towers fell, and people scattered,
History was made, by this tragic disaster.
We will forever be shaken, by the events of this day
Never forgetting the lives that were lost,
Honoring each of them, for being so brave.

Here we are again. Today is a day of pain and remembrance for all of America. Just seven years ago today, America was forever changed by the twisted actions of terrorists.
Can you remember where you were and what you were doing on September 11, 2001?
I can. I was a freshman in high school, in the library doing some research when I heard the horrible news on the TV. However, I had no idea how significant this event would be until much later.
So many innocent lives lost, a country forever changed, this barely describes the pain that our nation has been through since that dreadful day.

Stop and remember.
If you knew someone who was lost in the events of September 11, then today is especially difficult for you. I pray for every family that’s had to experience the personal loss of a family member or friend. If you didn’t know anyone personally, like me, I’m sure your life was changed just from the trauma of what took place. Either way, please take some time out of your day today, and pray for God to provide comfort to the families of the lost. So many men and women gave up their lives just doing what they did for a living. Passengers aboard planes fought their attackers until the very end, and other innocent bystanders and children lost their lives. Each of these people died a hero, and every one of these people should be remembered for their courageousness.

Pray With Me
God, as we remember the terrifying events that took place on this day seven years ago, we are deeply saddened. Please restore our land and protect us from any evil plots that may be directed our way in the future. Help us to stick together as one nation, under God. Lord be with the families who lost loved ones. Comfort them in this time, and surround them with your unending mercy and peace.

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Hello World!

Well? Here I am. I’m Nicole, and this is my 1st post ever blogging. (Can you tell?) Writing is my passion, and my style is Christian Poetry. I’m currently working on publishing my 1st book which will be called From Buds To Blossoms. I love to share the Word of God with everyone, and I’m so excited to be working on this project! I’m not quite sure when my book will be complete, but it should be going to a publisher sometime before the end of this year (2008). I hope so anyway.
I’m also planning on writing some devotionals here, which again is something I’ve never done. So apparently I’m into trying new things now, we’ll see how it goes!

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