
Archive for the ‘Devotionals’ Category

If you have ever thought that you had things under control only to find that you were completely wrong, then today’s post is for you. It isn’t hard for us as sinful humans to assume we can handle all parts of life and when the time comes that we feel like we’re going under, then we’ll ask God for His help.

This is not how it should work. In my life specifically in the past couple of months, I have learned that God’s plans are so much better than anything I ever could have imagined for myself. I have been moved in great ways closer to God because I have allowed Him to take His rightful position in my life as leader, and I let Him make the decisions. The one thing I have learned by doing this is that He does have everything under control, and there is an order to His planning.

I couldn’t have planned or orchestrated things to go the way have without Him, but yet I wouldn’t have wanted to try either. Once you learn to surender complete control in all areas of your life to God, then He will be completely able to bless you and take you to and through places you certainly never could have without Him.

If you are in a place of decision making today, I would like to encourage you to take it to the Lord in prayer. Don’t wait until things get unbearable and you feel like you’re on your own before you ask your Heavenly Father for help. He is there right now, and He is patiently waiting for you to invite Him into your decision making area of life. Don’t make the mistake of trying to handle everything by yourself because you think you can. I assure you that God has plans and can open doors for you that never would come about otherwise. Ask the Holy Spirit to grant you patience and a desire to wait upon Him. If you wait, He will not disappoint. Yes His plans may be different from your desires, but if you allow Him to work, you will be more satisfied with what He does than you would be if you pick and choose what you allow Him to do. We serve a mighty and powerful God. Allow your heart to be opened to His divine will and plan for your unique situation.


1. What is one situation right now that you’re in that you may have taken control of?

2. In what ways could you invite the Lord in to help you?

3. Pray for patience and His will to be manifested in your life.

Pray With Me:

Dear Lord, thank you so much for your hand in my life. Thank you for your plans and desires for me. I know you have such hope for my future. I pray you’d give me the patience to wait on you and move in your timing. Please help me to be satisfied where I am in life and to use the time to grow closer to you. Lord I pray for peace and gratitude while I wait on you. I also pray you’d help me to remain obedient and that I’d move when and only you tell me to. Thank you Lord for your power and control in my life.


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Keeping God Close

Yesterday I wrote to the Christians who may have placed Jesus in the back seat. Today I would like to speak on the contrary, to those Christians who have the Bible and Jesus firmly held in their hearts.
It sometimes can be difficult to see the work of God who is invisible, but that doesn’t mean He’s not working. Usually, His hand can be seen moving in the smallest of things during our day. Now I don’t know your circumstances, but in my own life, I have been amazed by God’s power and presence in numerous situations. Many of which have occurred very recently. I have such strong faith in the Lord and I know He will always come through for me, so I’m still not sure why I get so amazed and surprised when He does exactly what He promises. I know with all my heart that God never leaves me and that His Word stands forever, but when I see it come to pass there are times where I’m just shocked. Those are the moments for praise and worship. Can you relate? I hope you can, because it’s those times that are most special between my heavenly Father and myself.
When you can recognize a huge move on God’s part in your life, that is the time to either silently or loudly express your gratitude and worship to Him. You see, God loves it when we give Him praise and glory, not because He’s selfish or prideful, but because He’s the only one who truly deserves it. Look at all God has done in your life and the way situations have turned out. Do you see His hand? If you can’t, try to focus on the outcome of your specific situation and the moments leading up to that outcome. Once you can begin to see the mighty hand of God writing out your story, you will begin to cultivate gratitude within your heart. Gratitude produces praise and worship which causes God to rejoice. he loves our attention and He really loves when we credit Him for His involvement in our lives. Thank the Lord today for His watchful eye and steady hand in your life. He’s the only constant you’ll ever find while here on earth.

1. In what ways have you seen God work in your life?
2. Did you immediately recognize that it was Him at the time?
3. If so, did you thank Him for His involvement?
4. If you haven’t, take a few moments now and praise our Savior for His love and interaction with us.

Pray With Me:
Dear Loving Father,
Thank you for every interaction you have in my life. You’re daily with me and this is a great comfort to me. Thank you for dwelling in my heart. I’m thankful that your watchful eye keeps me constantly in your view and that your steady loving hands are always moving and working for me. I know Lord that you work in every situation even the ones that have different outcomes than I planned. Your plans are far greater than mine Lord and I ask that daily you’d remind me of this. Help me to be patient, thankful, and full of gratitude for all you do in my life. I pray I’d never take your love and relationship for granted.

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Back to the Bible

In God’s Word we are told that one day, all things will fade away but God’s wonderful Word never will. This has to be one of the most encouraging verses in Scripture aside from knowing that Jesus will never leave nor forsake us, and of course, the promise that He will someday soon return to take us home.
But what happens when a believer strays from the course of the Bible? Maybe you or someone you know have sliden slightly away from the Bible. Perhapse you’ve stopped going to church, or fellowshipping with Christians who typically assist in keeping you accountable. If this is you, I have a word for you.
Though you may have temporarily placed the Lord in the back seat and taken up romance novels instead of the Bible, I want you to know that Jesus has not moved. He has not taken His focus off of you His beloved child. He loves you now, and He will never take that love from you no matter what it is you may have done or how terrible of a person you think you might be. God does not work like that. Even if you feel so distant from the reach of our Savior, I assure you that you’re never too far. Jesus is right behind you waiting for you to turn around, see His loving hands reaching toward you, and run into His arms. He knows that your backsliddenness is only temporary, and that is why He will never give up on you. I feel such an urgency to write this devotional to you because I know that there are so many struggling children of God who truly believe that they can not be redeemed. But this is nothing more than a lie from the enemy Satan. Do not believe this lie. Just repent, pick up your Bible, and return to God. May I suggest you begin by reading John 3, 14-15? These chapters in the New Testament remind us of Jesus’ love and devotion to us, His special children. If you are struggling and would like someone to pray for you or encourage you in your journey back to the Bible, I’d love to help. Please contact me and I’d be happy to assist.

1. Do you find yourself currently in a backslidden relationship with Jesus Christ?
2. Do you believe that Jesus is still in love with you and has not given up on you?
3. If you do not believe this, would you pray to God and specifically ask Him to lead you back into his flock?
4. Believe that He will do what He said and that He wants nothing more than to welcome you home.

Pray With Me:
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for never giving up on me. I am so thankful Lord that you forgive, love, and show me grace when I least deserve any of it. I thank you Jesus that you’re always standing right beside me waiting for me to turn to you even when the world pulls at me. Father I pray that you’d continue to pull me closer to you and deeper into your Word. Thank you for free access to the Bible and for the special instructions you have left for me there. I pray that daily I’d hide your Word in my heart and that I’d vividly live it out. Thank you for the love you show me even though I’m just a sinner. I love you, Jesus.

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Visions In Your Heart

Has God put a specific dream in your heart?
I believe that God gives each of us very specific dreams, visions, and goals for our lives. He not only gives us the desires to make those dreams come true, but He also provides the resources. When we pray for God’s will to be done in our lives, instead of our own, He gladly makes the required resources and people fall into our paths. He shows us the way to reach the sky. When God is the author of your dreams, there are no limits. He will allow you to sore as far as your imagination can take you. The only thing we have to do is give Him control. When we constantly seek first His Kingdom, He adds in abundance the things we need and desire. When you feel that God isn’t answering your prayers for a particular dream, don’t give up praying. Instead, stop and consider whether or not it is His will for you that the dream come to pass. It may not be in His will, or it may not be the right time. Keep that vision in your mind and stay in prayer and ask God to help you find His will for you. Ask Him not to give you anything too soon or at all when it isn’t in His plans for you. He will make it clear in His perfect timing whether or not He will grant the desire of your heart, or if He has something else in mind. Don’t quit on one dream for another. God requires patience and when we allow Him to work in His timing, He perfects everything. All good things come from God our Father. God’s plans are always better than our own. He has more in store for us than we could ever imagine. God wants the best for us!

1. List some of your dreams and goals.
2. Which have come true? Which are you still waiting on?
3. Pray and ask God to show you what to do regarding the ones that haven’t yet come to pass.
4. Be specific in your prayers. Ask for specific direction. When you see His answer, be sure to thank Him, and record it.

Pray with me
Father God, thank you for the dreams you have placed in my heart. I pray that the ones that are from you would come true in your timing. Please give me the patience to wait on you and the wisdom to recognize when you speak to me regarding them. Please show me anything I need to do to make them come true. I thank you for perfecting everything you give to me Lord. I pray that you’d put new dreams in my heart and give me the passion and boldness to step out in faith to make them come to reality.

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Hello my loved reader,
The subject of this post says it all. The wait is over. My book is finally available for purchase. I hope you will get a copy for yourself and everyone you know. You will finally get to see the long journey the Lord and I have been on. You will be encouraged, inspired, and driven closer to the heart of our dear Savior. Prayerfully read the book and allow God to pull you into His arms for some much needed quality time with Himself!
The book can be purchased here:

If you do purchase a copy, be sure to leave feedback. I’d love to know what you think of the work the Lord has done in and through me. He is so faithful!

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It’s Almost Time!

Yes, that’s right. It is almost time for my book to be released! The publishing process is done, the books have been sent to print, and very, very, soon, the books will be available to you my reader. I am so excited to be able to finally bring you this news. It has been such a long time for me, and I’m thankful the wait is finally over. I encourage you to purchase a copy of my book and share it with everyone you know. I will provide links here as soon as the book is released for you to purchase. In the mean time, please continue to pray for me and this project. I ask that you’d pray for God to use this book for His glory. The sole purpose of me writing this book was to encourage people and help them to deepen their bond with Jesus. If it helps even one person achieve this, then I have succeeded in my goal. I pray that you will prayerfully read the book, and examine your own relationship with Christ as you do. Be sure to leave feedback not only about the book, but about how it has helped or encouraged you in your walk with the Lord. I pray that as you read and continue to follow me here that the Lord would make you aware of His divine presence. I pray that you would find yourself walking in sync with Him as you are led through each entry. Allow yourself to experience every emotion you may find yourself feeling as you read each poem. It’s God’s way of connecting with you…embrace it. Listen to His whispers through the words of From Buds to Blossoms. And as always, thank you for your prayers.

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Lord, What Now?

As of late our economy seems like it has been falling apart. It’s not just our economy though, our families, schools, relationships, and even our religion seems to be facing attack. So where is God while all this is going on you ask? He’s still on the throne. That’s right. God almighty is still sitting on His throne waiting for His people to recognize that they can’t do anything apart from Him. That includes our government, Mr. President, and your family. Nothing we do is possible without the help of our loving, patient, and forgiving heavenly Father. What will it take for us to finally realize and respond to this? Apparently, it takes our world to fall apart.
It is a sad thing when God’s people have chosen to suffer instead of repenting and submitting to the authority of God. I imagine He sits in heaven with a broken heart just begging for us to wake up and come back to Him. I can see God pleading with His people to turn from their wicked ways and fall back into the shelter of His protection. But why aren’t we listening?
I believe it is because we’re in a generation of rebellion. Now I’m no expert by any means, but what I have observed over past years is that people are choosing to live and work while giving God as little involvement as possible. We’re kicking Him out of schools so our children are almost set up for failure…especially when parents are failing to lay a Biblical foundation at home. How can our children grow up with Biblical values if we’re not aloud to share the Word of God with them in school? We lose our job and immediately we panic instead of turning to God who has our lives planned out. Remember, our God is able. He provides for His people, they shall never lack any good thing. When we make that choice to turn to the throne in prayer instead of the phone in panic, God will hear our cries and grant our heart’s desires. He knows what we need even before we ask. He faithfully takes care of the birds and flowers, so how much more will He take care of us? We are much more valuable than the birds and flowers, but can we remember this when we’re facing those storms? Many times, we seem to forget that promise from God’s Word.
I believe it’s time to give control back to the creator of the universe. It’s time to allow Him to have full access to every area of our lives, including social, work, and family. Once we submit to God’s will and Word, I know that we will begin to see positive changes. Our prayers will be heard and responded to. Our children will grow up knowing and respecting the Word of God. THey will regain the morals that once existed and they will learn values that will lead them to the truth. There is no better time than right now to come to the Lord in prayer asking for His mighty hand to move upon us. There is no better time than now for our nation to repent and ask God to move in our land. I know this may sound like a political rant, but it isn’t. It’s simply a plea that God has put on my heart. I believe it’s His will I share this with you in hopes that we can unite as one and reclaim our victory. When God is back in control and Satan is put back in his place where he belongs, then we will begin to see the blessings of the Lord falling on us.

1. What can you do to impact your community for Christ?
2. Will you begin to pray for our nation daily?
3. Pray specifically for the changes you’d like to see.
4. If you have school aged children, make sure they are learning Biblical truths daily. These truths will be so valuable to them as they grow up in today’s culture.

Pray with me:
Lord God, I know our nation has turned into a mess, but I know that you’re still on your throne. No matter how dark and fuzzy things get down here, you’re still the Father of light. You rule and your truth will be revealed regardless of how this country chooses to live. I pray for your hand to move down here. Let your people repent and let your blessings rain down on us. Give your faithful followers the strength we need to stand up for you and your Kingdom. Grant us the desire to make the difference you have called us to make. We can change this world for the good with your help. Thank you Jesus, that you are still and will always be in true control. Nothing can happen without your permission. Thank you for your power, might, patience, mercy, and most of all your forgiveness.

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Pray Every Day

As you know (Or may not know), today is May fifth and is recognized as the national day of prayer. We as Americans are called to pray for our nation. We should be praying for our leaders, our military, our government and so on.
I fully support this day as do many Christians. But I have been thinking about this day on a deeper level. What do you think would happen if we chose to nationally pray every single day for the same things that we intently pray for on the given “National day of prayer”? Do you think it would have a major impact on our nation? I do. In fact, I’m convinced that if we prayed intentionally for our nation every day, God would bless and honor our requests. He would bring about a peace and unity to our country that maybe we have never known before. I am urging you today as a fellow Christian to take up the call that has been placed on us by Christ. Instead of devoting one national day of prayer, why not devote every day of your life to praying for our nation and leaders. Let’s start something and watch the Lord’s blessing fall upon our land. The Lord said in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that if His people would turn from their wicked ways and to Him in prayer that He would hear from them and heal their land. That sounds exactly like what we need, doesn’t it?

1. Do you pray every day for our nation and leaders?
2. If not, why?
3. Do you believe that your prayers could have a positive effect on our nation?
4. Begin today to pray specific prayers for our country. Pray for things that you’d like to see changed and improved.

Pray with me:
Lord God, thank you for this great country that I live in. I pray today for our nation. God we need you to restore us. Let your hand move on this land. Please bring unity and peace to America and every other country in the world. Let us begin to live devoted to you as one Holy race. Give us the desire to pray every day to you for the needs of this world. Thank you Jesus, that we can come boldly and confidently to your throne in prayer. Thank you that you hear us every time we pray. We love you, Lord.

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Keep Praising Him

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalm 34:1

This chapter of Psalms has been one of my very favorites. I have read and reread it time and time again. It seems that each time I read it, the Lord reveals something new to me. It’s a Psalm that speaks directly to my heart in so many ways.
Though I had read it many times, verse one always seemed to be overlooked. I knew what it said, I had seen it plenty of times. But had I ever really stopped to “Read” it? The answer was no.
You see, though I had read it, I had never pondered it. I believe that the Lord desires us to ponder, meditate on, and reflect on every verse we read. They are all in the Bible for a reason, obviously very important to God. So when I read this verse just the other day, God spoke a new word to my heart.
This verse says that I will bless the Lord at all times. Did you catch that? It doesn’t say when I feel good, or when I’m joyful, or when I have a reason to be thankful. It does mean that I should bless Him when I’m happy, when I’m feeling joyful, but also when I’m sick, feeling lost, sad, or uncomfortable. You see, blessing the Lord is a choice. It’s a choice that we have to make. Either we can choose to bless Him when we feel like it, or we can choose to bless Him at all times, for who He is.
God is amazing whether you have come to realize that yet or not. He loves us unconditionally and all of His affections are for us. Daily He chooses to pour out on us abundant grace and compassion. Why? Not because we deserve it, and not because He has to. He does it because He wants to, because He loves us, and because we are His.
The least we can do is praise and bless the Lord at all times.
I’m sure there were times in Jesus’ life when He didn’t feel like praising His Father, but He did it anyway. For example, He asked God in the garden before His arrest and death to remove the cup of suffering that He’d soon be facing if it was possible, but only if it was God’s will. Clearly, it was not the will of God, because He did not remove Jesus from the cross where He was crucified. Jesus came for that very reason, so it would be silly for God to take Him out of that situation.
It would also be silly for us as children of God not to praise Him. We don’t need a reason, for the reason was His death. Jesus came to die so that we may live. Isn’t that reason enough to choose to bless the Lord at all times?

1. Will you make a choice to bless the Lord at all times and continually keep His praise in your mouth?
2. Notice the uplifting of your spirit each time you do this. Remember, God will bless you for honoring Him.
3. Journal a song or poem of praise to God today.
4. Read Psalm 34. How does it speak to you personally?

Pray with me
Dear God, thank you for your Son. I pray that each day I will choose to praise and bless you. May your Word be on my heart. I pray that you’d help me to remember that praising you even when I don’t feel like it honors you. I want to honor you Jesus. Thank you for who you are. You are all I need.

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Capture That Thought

In 2 Corinthians 10:5 Paul tells us that we are to take every thought captive. Have you ever stopped to wonder what exactly he meant by that? I have, on many occasions. Not only have I wondered what he meant, but I have wondered how he would have me do it. It’s verses like that when I wish Paul were in my home to explain to me exactly how to apply the verse to my daily life. Our minds are where it all begins. It’s there that the enemy first attacks us and if we’re not ready, he can take over. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Since we have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) we have the ability to think on thoughts which are healthy and pleasing to God. We do not ever have to submit to the thoughts that the Devil throws into our minds. If you’re like me, there are thoughts that have been rolling around in your mind and you have never given them a second thought. You allowed them to come in and you never addressed them to decide whether or not they should be allowed to stay or if they should be evicted.
Today I want to show you how you can take inventory of your thoughts. I want you to know that you may not be able to choose which thoughts first come into your mind, but you certainly can choose which are allowed to stay.
Over time I have realized that I have certain thoughts which have just been existing in my mind. I never pay much attention to them, but I’m well aware that they are there. After much prayer regarding thoughts and strongholds, God finally revealed to me that it was time to take a “Thoughtful” inventory of what was going on in my head. He prompted me to take each thought that may have been causing anxiety or discomfort captive. Once I asked Him to help me determine which thoughts were which, He then helped me begin casting out wrong thinking. I still have quite a ways to go, but thanks be to God and His revelations to me, I am on the right track to getting my full mind back. I’m reclaiming the territory which was meant to be mine from the very beginning. I’m kicking Satan and his demons out and making them take their negativity with them. I’m casting them out into outer darkness where they belong. I’m inviting Jesus, His Word, the truth, and light to flood my mind. I’m checking each thought as it enters the door to my mind and if it’s decided that it’s a thought that contradicts my Lord’s Word, you can believe that it will be on it’s way right back out. I have Jesus standing guard at my mind’s entrance and He’s wheedling the sword of the spirit. Are you tired of thoughts that are just taking up space in your mind? Are you ready to take back peace and positivity? If you are, Jesus is ready to help you take the enemy and his negativity out. He’s ready to help you take control of your thoughts so that you can live in the peace which surpasses all understanding. That is the peace our Father meant for us to have when He died for us. Praise God that we have the mind of Christ and that we can claim victory over every thought today!

1. Begin by praying and asking the Lord to help you determine if you have any thoughts in your mind that shouldn’t be there.
2. If He reveals some to you, begin praying for His help to cast them out.
3. Speak out loud your intent to take back what is yours. Let Satan know that you’re through with letting him fill your mind with his junk.
4. Daily take an inventory of the thoughts you think. When you catch a bacd thought, quickly cast it out and refocus your mind on God’s Word.

Pray with me
Holy Father, thank you for giving me the mind of Christ. Thank you for allowing me to reclaim my mind today. I thank you Jesus for your Word. It speaks the truth and I know that any time I feel negativity begin to fill my mind I can always go back to your Word to help me regain focus. I pray Jesus that you would daily protect my mind. Place a hedge of fire around my mind. I pray that you would fill my mind with peace, truth, light, and yourself. Give me power and strength to cast out any thought that is displeasing to you.

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Hello my dear reader,
If you have been tracking the progress of From Buds to Blossoms over the past two and a half years, you know it has been slow. I began the process of getting the book published back in 2007 and since then it has gone pretty much nowhere. Until now…
God has been working in the background to get this project moving even when I thought He had taken a permanent vacation. When I seemed to have lost hope in the publishing world, He reminded me time and time again that the words of the book were inspired by Him and that I had something to share. He nudged me forward and encouraged me through His Word and my friends/family not to give up. So I didn’t. Finally, I guess He figured He had taught me to be patient and it was time for my reward. (I know I sure thought it was time.) Over the past months I was prompted to get back into the search for a publisher. I began searching and finally came across one I thought looked promising. I looked deeper into the company and did my homework. I made contact and received the contract. That started the ball rolling, and it shows no signs of slowing down now. As of yesterday, I officially signed a contract to have From Buds to Blossoms published. Yes, finally! What does this mean you ask? It means that the project is coming together. The book will be put together, printed, and finally made available to you, my loved and faithful reader. I know some of you have been waiting as long as I have to see this come to pass, but God willing, it’s our time now. The Lord has been preparing me and my writing to be shared with the world, and that time is just about here.
So, after all that, I want to ask for your prayers as I move forward with this process. Pray for God to give me the wisdom to make right choices and for the humility that comes with such a project. Pray for any plans that the enemy may have to interrupt the process to be intercepted by the angels. I want to sincerely thank everyone who has been praying for me and this book over the past years. I truly appreciate you and your prayers. I am so excited to finally have this book in print!! Be sure to stay tuned for more updates such as when the book will be available and how you can get your copy. Again, thank you so much for your prayers. They are so valuable to me.


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We are well into the not-so-new year now and it has been quite a while since I have written. My year has been extremely busy but with God’s blessing I have been able to remain peaceful and productive. This is entirely due to the fact that I have been spending a tremendous amount of time with my Lord and our bond has grown to be unbelievably strong. It is my prayer that your relationship with Christ has been strengthened as well. I know not all of us have begun this year on a positive note, but I want to offer you encouragement today.
If your year has started out fast paced and your relationship with Jesus has taken a back seat, it’s time for that to change. It’s time to be renewed. No matter how your daily schedule is, if you can begin the habit of waking up and spending the first minutes of your day with Jesus, I promise you that your day will become much less stressful and much more productive. Your schedule may remain busy, but your heart will be still and at peace. Who doesn’t want a peaceful quiet soul?
I have learned over a period of time of spending early mornings with God that my whole day is made better. My mood is much more graceful, my words are more meaningful, and my heart is more content. Though it certainly wasn’t on the top of my list to wake up earlier to spend time with Jesus, it has proven to be worth it. God is jealous for us. He wants our time and energy. So when we wake and make Him our first priority, He delights over us. He is eager to teach us and speak to us if we can manage to be still and sit at His feet. Even if it is just for a few minutes. God doesn’t ask for us to give up our whole day to sit and listen, He only calls us to give Him time enough to speak to our hearts. Would you give Him that honor today? Would you make it a new habit to wake up each morning and spend time with your Savior? Make that promise to God today and let tomorrow be the beginning of renewal in your life. It is still early in the year, so now is the perfect time for you to begin spending more time with Jesus.

1. Make a commitment to God to spend the first part of your day with Him.
2. Get a good devotional or just your Bible and read a passage each morning.
3. Journal what you hear God say to you. Remember these are thoughts just between you and Jesus.
4. End your time with prayer, then just sit and listen until you feel released by Him to continue your day.

Pray with me
Heavenly Father, thank you for your presence. Thank you for allowing me to come boldly and confidently to you each morning. I pray that you would help me to include spending quiet time with you each morning into my daily routine. Speak to me in unique ways every day through your Word. Guide my time with you Father. Show me where and what to read and then help me to be silent and listen for you to speak to me. I pray for the motivation to commit to this and a renewed strength from remaining faithful to doing it.
In your name I pray and praise you,

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